Fresh View 8.20
Posted by download in Software on 30-05-2011

BitTorrent hadn&39;t seen a major update in about two years but that was before it bought out uTorrent. Now adopting its new sibling&39;s interface has completely reinvigorated the original BitTorrent client.
Previously BT had lacked features that other torrent innovators had spent time testing and investing in. Now in one fell swoop BT has access to everything it lacked. You can pick which files in a torrent you want to download throttle your Internet connection to suit your whims muck about with the Web UI and basically do everything that uTorrent can do.
There&39;s an RSS tracker and search bar just like in uTorrent but there&39;s where we encounter one key difference. Where uTorrent&39;s search takes you to the MiniNova torrent site BitTorrent&39;s goes to a payformostcontent site. There&39;s also a menu bar item in the BitTorrent client called Get Stuff with links to Movies TV Music and Games at the BitTorrent content site.
Without a doubt BitTorrent has taken drastic steps to reverse course and unsink its sinking ship. Although BT still eats more memory than its new sibling it&39;s hogging significantly less than before. The install file reflects the new code shrinking from nearly 6MB for version 5 to less than 1MB for version 6.
BT also comes with a small piece of software called DNA. The BT site calls it protocol for &Delivery Network Acceleration& but beyond a nebulous description it&39;s hard to tell what exactly it does.
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µTorrent is a small and incredibly popular BitTorrent client.
MicroSized Yet Feature Filled
Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent including bandwidth prioritization scheduling RSS autodownloading and Mainline DHT compatible with BitComet. Additionally µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification compatible with Azureus and above BitComet 0.63 and above and peer exchange.
µTorrent was written with efficiency in mind. Unlike many torrent clients it does not hog valuable system resources typically using less than 6MB of memory allowing you to use the computer as if it weren&39;t there at all. Additionally the program itself is contained within a single executable less than 220 KB in size.
Skinnable and Localized
Various icon toolbar graphic and status icon replacements are available and creating your own is very simple. µTorrent also has support for localization and with a language file present will automatically switch to your system language. If your language isn&39;t available you can easily add your own or edit other existing translations to improve them
Actively Developed and Improved
The developer puts in a lot of time working on features and making things more userfriendly. Releases only come out when they&39;re ready with no schedule pressures so the few bugs that appear are quickly addressed and fixed.
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With DAEMON Tools you can back up your physical CDDVDHD DVDBluray discs into &virtual discs& or so called &disc image& files which run directly on your hard drive. You can also work with images created by other burning programs DAEMON Tools supports variety of image types. Use CDDVD image converter to have one format images in your Image Catalog
1. Emulate virtual CDDVDROMHD DVD and Bluray drives
DAEMON Tools Lite Commercial enables you to emulate up to 4 CDDVD virtual drives on your PC. Virtual drives will appear in your OS just like real ones. Select a virtual drive then choose a disc image you want to mount. Find the created virtual drive with mounted disc image in My Computer. Start working Looks like working with a real drive and a real disc doesn&39;t it? Yes but it is much faster
2. Create a disc image
With DAEMON Tools Lite Commercial you can create ISO and MDS image files from original discs inserted in physical CDDVDHD DVDBluray drives. Or use images you have created earlier with other program. DAEMON Tools products work with variety of image types.
Key features
creates .iso and .mds images;
emulates up to 4 virtual CDDVD drives;
performs image mounting and unmounting;
supports .b5t .b6t .bwt .ccd .cdi .cue .nrg .pdi .isz;
offers powerful command line interface.
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XAMPP Windows
XAMPP is a free and open source crossplatform web server solution stack package consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server MySQL database and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages.
The program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License and acts as a free web server capable of serving dynamic pages. XAMPP is available for Microsoft Windows Linux Solaris and Mac OS X and is mainly used for web development projects. This software is useful while you are creating dynamic webpages using programming languages like PHP JSP Servlets.
Requirements and features
XAMPP requires only one zip tar or exe file to be downloaded and run and little or no configuration of the various components that make up the web server is required. XAMPP is regularly updated to incorporate the latest releases of ApacheMySQLPHP and Perl. It also comes with a number of other modules including OpenSSL and phpMyAdmin.
Installing XAMPP takes less time than installing each of its components separately. Selfcontained multiple instances of XAMPP can exist on a single computer and any given instance can be copied from one computer to another.
It is offered in both a full standard version and a smaller version.
Officially XAMPP&39;s designers intended it for use only as a development tool to allow website designers and programmers to test their work on their own computers without any access to the Internet. To make this as easy as possible many important security features are disabled by default.2 In practice however XAMPP is sometimes used to actually serve web pages on the World Wide Web. A special tool is provided to passwordprotect the most important parts of the package.
XAMPP also provides support for creating and manipulating databases in MySQL and SQLite among others.
Once XAMPP is installed you can treat your localhost like a remote host by connecting using an FTP client. Using a program like FileZilla has many advantages when installing a content management system CMS like Joomla. You can also connect to localhost via FTP with your HTML editor.
The default FTP user &newuser& the default FTP password is &wampp&.
The default MySQL user is &root& there is no default MySQL password.
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