Opera 10.10
Posted by download in Other, Software on 25-11-2009
QuickTime Alternative 3.1
Posted by download in Other, Software on 20-11-2009
QuickTime Alternative is a trimmeddown version of QuickTime that contains only the essential components needed for playing QuickTime content that is embedded in webpages.
Advantages of QuickTime Alternative are
Quick and easy install
Ability to make an unattended installation
No background processes
No unwanted stuff and other nonsense
Smaller size than Apple QuickTime
It comes bundled with Media Player Classic a freeware media player that supports both QuickTime Alternative and Real Alternative.
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Download QuickTime Alternative 3.1
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.4.4 Full
Posted by download in Other, Software on 18-11-2009
Contains everything you need to play all popular video file formats.
Supports playback of AVI MKV MP4 FLV OGM MPEG MOV HDMOV TS M2TS and OGG files.
Includes Media Player Classic Homecinema.
Includes a MPEG2 decoder for DVD playback.
Supports playback of FLAC and WavPack audio files.
Contains several ACM and VFW codecs for audio and video encoding.
Supports several additional lossless audio formats.
Contains additional DirectShow filters. Giving you more freedom of choice to use your preferred filters.
Contains a few useful tools like GraphStudio.
Includes Real Alternative.
Includes a few extra ACM and VFW codecs.
ChangelogUpdated Media Player Classic Home Cinema to version 1.3.1333.0Updated ffdshow to revision 3130Updated Gabest splitters to version 1.3.1333.0Updated Codec Tweak Tool to version 4.0.4Fixed an installation issue with AC3Filter on some systemsAdded option to install AC3Filter as a secondary filterFixed a Runtime Error that a few people got when running the installerMinor changes and fixes
23.13 MB
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Download K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.4.4 Full
fire fox 3.6 b3
Posted by download in Other, Software on 18-11-2009
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Download fire fox 3.6 b3
adobe reader 9.2 pdf
Posted by download in Other, Software on 13-11-2009
Interested in an OEM relationship with Adobe and Adobe Reader? Adobe Reader is available as an OEM through our rich partner network.
Deploy maintain and support Adobe Reader across your organization. Corporations government agencies and educational institutions can distribute Adobe Reader internally on an intranet site or a local network.
Interested in developing a plugin for Adobe Reader? Freely distributed Adobe Reader is widely available; more than 500 million copies have been distributed worldwide since 1993. To build a Reader plugin you must first apply for an Integration Key License Agreement
26.1 MB
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Download adobe reader 9.2 pdf
mozilla firefox 3.6 beta2
Posted by download in Other, Software on 13-11-2009
Mozilla Firefox is a fast fullfeatured Web browser. Firefox includes popup blocking tabbrowsing integrated Google search simplified privacy controls a streamlined browser window that shows you more of the page than any other browser and a number of additional features that work with you to help you get the most out of your time online. Firefox 3.6 is based on the Gecko 1.9.1 rendering platform which has been under development for the past year. Firefox 3.6 offers many changes over the previous version supporting new web technologies improving performance and ease of use and adding new features for users It is now available in more than 70 languages includes a Private Browsing mode better performance and stability with the new TraceMonkey JavaScript engine the ability to provide Location Aware Browsing using web standards for geolocation support for native JSON and web worker threads support for new web technologies such as HTML5 < video > and < audio > elements downloadable fonts and other new CSS properties JavaScript query selectors HTML5 offline data storage for applications and SVG transforms.
Download UrlDownload mozilla firefox 3.6 beta2
Mozilla Firefox 3.5.5
Posted by download in Other, Software on 09-11-2009
Mozilla Firefox is a fast fullfeatured Web browser. Firefox includes popup blocking tabbrowsing integrated Google search simplified privacy controls a streamlined browser window that shows you more of the page than any other browser and a number of additional features that work with you to help you get the most out of your time online.
Firefox 3.5 is based on the Gecko 1.9.1 rendering platform which has been under development for the past year. Firefox 3.5 offers many changes over the previous version supporting new web technologies improving performance and ease of use and adding new features for users It is now available in more than 70 languages includes a Private Browsing mode better performance and stability with the new TraceMonkey JavaScript engine the ability to provide Location Aware Browsing using web standards for geolocation support for native JSON and web worker threads support for new web technologies such as HTML5 < video > and < audio > elements downloadable fonts and other new CSS properties JavaScript query selectors HTML5 offline data storage for applications and SVG transforms.
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Download Mozilla Firefox 3.5.5
Google Talk
Posted by download in Other, Software on 01-11-2009
Chat with family and friends over the Internet for free
See realtime availability and status of friends onlineSend instant text messagesEasily go from text to voice chatChat right from your desktop or from Gmail
Getting Started with Google Talk
Welcome to Google Talk Googles approach to instant communications. This guide will introduce you to all the different ways you can use Google Talk.
Downloading Google Talk
The Google Talk downloadable application for Windows offers many features for communicating with your friends and family.
Instant messaging — Chat with all of your Google Talk and Gmail contacts in real time.
Free PCtoPC voice chat — You can talk to anyone else for free whos online and has the Google Talk client.
Send and receive voicemails— If the person youre calling isnt available you can leave a voicemail. Learn more
Unlimited file transfers — Send files to your contacts. There are no file size or bandwidth restrictions.
Gmail notifications on your desktop — When youre signed into Google Talk youll be notified of new messages in your Gmail inbox.
Gmail Chat
Gmail Googles free email service offers builtin chat using the Google Talk network.
Builtin chat — Gmail has chat built right
in so you can easily switch between emailing and instant messaging
with your contacts.
Video chat — See and hear your friends with
high quality video. Get the
Voice chat — Free PCtoPC voice calls to any
of your Gmail contacts. Get
the plugin
Invisible mode — Appear to be offline when
you dont want to be interrupted.
Group chat — Invite multiple people to chat
with you in a group.
Chat history — If you use Google Talk with a
Gmail account and all of your chats are saved to a searchable archive
in Gmail.
Reply by chat — When the contact who sent
you an email is online in Google Talk or Gmail you have the option
to reply to that person by chat.
Other ways to connect through Google Talk
Talk uses open standards for instant messaging and voice calling. That
means anyone can build applications for the Google Talk network.
Other IM clients — Explore other applications that connect to the Google Talk network. Learn more
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Download Google Talk
Unlimited file transfers — Send files to your contacts. There are no file size or bandwidth restrictions.
Gmail notifications on your desktop — When youre signed into Google Talk youll be notified of new messages in your Gmail inbox.
Gmail Chat
Gmail Googles free email service offers builtin chat using the Google Talk network.
Builtin chat — Gmail has chat built right
in so you can easily switch between emailing and instant messaging
with your contacts.
Video chat — See and hear your friends with
high quality video. Get the
Voice chat — Free PCtoPC voice calls to any
of your Gmail contacts. Get
the plugin
Invisible mode — Appear to be offline when
you dont want to be interrupted.
Group chat — Invite multiple people to chat
with you in a group.
Chat history — If you use Google Talk with a
Gmail account and all of your chats are saved to a searchable archive
in Gmail.
Reply by chat — When the contact who sent
you an email is online in Google Talk or Gmail you have the option
to reply to that person by chat.
Talk uses open standards for instant messaging and voice calling. That
means anyone can build applications for the Google Talk network.
Other IM clients — Explore other applications that connect to the Google Talk network. Learn more
Other ways to connect through Google Talk
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