
Posted by download in Other, Software on 31-08-2010

Application details

JMP3Renamer is a plugin-based renamer/tagger written in Java. It supports automatical assignment of the data to the files and magic cookies to specify the filename format. Currently available plugins: Discogs, MusicBrainz, Filename, Filetag, Mp3, Ogg


* PluginManager – With the PluginManager you may install new plugins, delete currently installed ones or update outdated plugins.
* Options – A dialog with many settings lets you customize JMP3Renamer for your needs.
* Languages – JMP3Renamer supports different languages. At the moment that are german, english, french and spanish
* MagicCookies – MagicCookies are wildcards, which can be used to specify the format of the filename.
* Logging – The quantity and importance of JMP3Renamer’s output can be specified. Furthermore you may specify a file, into which the output should be written.
* Online-Help – the help describes the user interface and comes with a step-by-step instruction
* Text-Functions – If you have data for renaming, you can edit single datasets manually or use the integrated text functions, which are for example converting words to UPPERCASE, lowercase or specifying the leading zeros for the tracknumber of a song.
* Datasets – Represent the information which belong to a file. You can view and edit these datasets for any file.
* AutoSort – JMP3Renamer can assign the datasets to the files automatically. That prevents you from long, borring manually assigning. AutoSort performs in 90% of all cases. If there are mistakes, you can change the assignment manually
* PlugIns – let the core of JMP3Renamer stay small and fexible. You have the possibility to install only plugins, you want to use. This saves time at the installation and JMP3Renamer doesn’t become a complex, hard to use application.




Tnaflix Downloader

Posted by download in Other, Software on 31-08-2010

Application details

video4pc Tnaflix Downloader is an easy-to-use application designed to enable you to download videos from Tnaflix ( and convert downloaded videos to Pocket PC, Palm, PDA, iPhone, iPod, Zune, Sony PSP.




ioFTPD 7.5.9 Beta

Posted by download in Other, Software on 31-08-2010

Application details

The server now supports elliptic-curve and Diffie-Huffman based ephemeral key algorithms for one-time use ciphers which means the server now uses the most secure algorithms available to OpenSSL. The ability to modify the behavior of the OpenSSL library has also been added and defaults set to increase interoperability.

NOTE: To take advantage of Diffie-Huffman ephemeral keying you will need a new key file (.dhp) which means you need to re-generate the SSL certificate. To do this you can remove the old certificate by deleting the .key and .pem files in the system directory before starting the server or use “site removecert “. Then use “site makecert” or enable the new auto-generate cert feature and re-start the server.

Fixes 3 big bugs:
1) Fixed a serious PASV command bug that could cause uploaded files to be incorrectly named/swapped!
2) Fixed several winsock bugs to try and squash the winsock lockup issue.
3) Fixed a crashing issue when too many commands are outstanding to a single disk.

The server also got a major upgrade to DeadLock detection and restart features, and it has several new message formatting features to support easily customizing site Command output with the name of your server. It also provides increased security for the PORT command.




Checklan Monitor SQL Editi

Posted by download in Other, Software on 31-08-2010

Application details

You are a small Company or you provide IT services to small companies, Checklan Monitor SQL provides the most complete solution at the lower cost.

Obtain reports with Microsoft Office exports, receive alerts by E-mail or SMS, monitor automatically 24 hours a day your server(s) and consolidate to a free Microsoft SQL Server all your sites in one console.

Install Checklan Monitor SQL easily or contact our partners who will gladly provide you a proactive service and / or Support Delivery solutions.

-Full monitoring of your server

-System update to Microsoft SQL Server

-Web Console

-E-mail & SMS alerts

-Microsoft Office exports

-Automatic Scripting solution

-Local admin manager

-graphical console

-Package for standard supervision.




A-PDF Image to PDF

Posted by download in Other, Software on 31-08-2010

Application details

A-PDF Image To PDF is a simple, lightning-fast desktop utility program that lets you convert photos, drawings, scans and faxes into Acrobat PDF documents. A-PDF Image to PDF supports most image formats, including images from scanners or digital cameras. Before being converted, the images can be rotated, cropped or flipped, etc. Other features include the ability to set the page size, orientation, margin and layout of the output PDF document, change its properties, security setting and Viewer options etc.

Why A-PDF Image to PDF
Supports acquiring images directly from scanner or digital camera

Supporting image acquisition from TWAIN scanners and image acquisition from WIA scanners and cameras.

A-PDF Image to PDF provides a very convenient, simple way to create electronic books which can be Posted on the Web. You can scan paper documents directly to image files and convert them to PDF.
Supporting most image formats

Supporting image formats list:

Merge multiple images into one PDF file, or individual PDF files

You can merge several image files into a single PDF file, or convert each image file into a separate PDF file.
Control output PDF size

You can control the output PDF size using 4 kinds of output mode:

1. High Quality Output: A-PDF Image to PDF creates PDF from images (Scanner) with high printing resolution.
2. Small File Size (Color): It will compress the images by resizing and reducing the JPEG quality for color images in output PDF.
3. Small File Size (Monochrome): It will convert images to monochrome(black and white only) and resize them to reduce the output PDF file size. The option is great for scanned text images.
4. Small File Size (Grayscale): The option is Similar to Small File Size (Color) except the output PDF file will be grayscale.




eDocEngine VCL

Posted by download in Other, Software on 31-08-2010

Application details

eDocEngine VCL is a comprehensive e-document creation component suite for Delphi and C++Builder. eDocEngine can create documents in clipboard, PDF, RTF, HTML, XHTML, EXCEL, TEXT, CSV, Quattro Pro, LOTUS 1-2-3, DIF, SYLK, TIFF, PNG, SVG (XML-based vector graphics), JPEG, GIF, BMP, EMF and WMF formats. eDocEngine ships with ready-to-use Report-Export Interfaces that tightly integrate with popular Delphi reporting tools such as ReportBuilder, FastReport, Rave, QuickReport, and Ace Reporter. Using eDocEngine Report-Export interfaces, you can directly export reports to PDF and other formats without having to write any code.


* Generate documents in PDF, RTF, HTML, XHTML, XLS (Microsoft Excel), Quattro Pro, Lotus 1-2-3, DIF, SYLK, text, CSV, TIFF, PNG, SVG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, EMF, WMF
* Generate output containing formatted paragraphs
* Export reports from FastReport, QuickReport, ReportBuilder and other Delphi reporting tools to all supported document formats
* Draw shapes and tables
* Add annotations
* Add headers, footers
* Implement server-side automated document generation
* Render metafiles as vector images
* Create output with format-specific enhancements

Version 3.0.1 – August 25, 2010

* Enhanced
o Export Interface Installer now generates its log file in the “My DocumentsGnosticeeDocEngine” folder to avoid “write” permission issues in Vista/Windows 7
o v2-to-v3 Converter application will ignore already converted units in “Uses” clause
o Ready for RAD Studio XE
* Fixed
o Character width problems with FixedPitch fonts – with and without font embedding
o Exception in class EOleSysError with message “CoInitialize has not been called” when PDFEngine was executed in a thread.
o Some text in non-Latin languages incorrectly detected as ANSI String
o Incorrect handling of diacritic characters




Amazing Photo Editor

Posted by download in Other, Software on 31-08-2010

Application details

Easy-to-user photo editing and converting software

Amazing Photo Editor is powerful and easy to use image processing software used for image processing,viewing and converting. 33 amazing effect are available!

Key Features:

1. Support 53 input formats and 27 output formats.
2. photo files access. ( New, Open, Save, Save as, Save all, Print, Email photo Scanner, Convert image format, Batch Conversion )
3. Create and use macros. ( Create, Open, Edit, Save as, Delete )
4. Multi-select tool. ( Rectangle, Circle, Toggle)
5. Cut, Copy, Paste, Memorize, Erase.
6. Zoom photos ( Zoom out, Original size, Zoom in, Best fit )
7. Magnifier with cursor.
8. Unlimited Undo / Redo.
9. 9 kinds of photo process. ( Horizontal mirror, Vertical mirror, Insert text, Rotate, Resize, Adjust color, Negative, Gray scale, Intensity )
10. 10 photo effects (Noise, Balance, Lighten, Sharpen and so on).
11. 27 photo effect filters.
12. Color Transfer.
13. 4 photo optimization (Auto Smooth, Gussian Blur and so on).
14. Screen Color Picker.
15. bLend 2 images to 1.
16. Mixing (Orginal Image, Gradient, Lighten Gradient).
17. Insert Image / Clipboard Image in 4 mode (Copy, Mask copy, Smoothed edge, Tiles).
18. Image drawing tool (Pen, line, brush, Paint Bucket Too and so on).
21. Change folder icon.
22. Change the background color of Editing Window.
23. Capture Screen. (Full Screen, Area, Active Window)
24. Calulate color number of image.
25 Pack Images. (Pack images to a package file or unpack. )
26 Auto Save Assistant.
27 Auto Backup Assisatnt.
28 Convert GIF to EMF.
29 Image Explorer.
30. Select the program skin. ( 3 skins for trial users and 12 skins for purchase users )
31. Download more skins from our website.
32. All-around technical and sale support.




Super Video To Audio Conve

Posted by download in Other, Software on 31-08-2010

Application details

Super Video Converter is a powerful and easy to use video tool to convert and join AVI MPEG WMV/ASF VCD DVD video files. Main features include: Convert Video to AVI(DivX,Xvid…); Convert Video to MPEG-1/MPEG-2; Convert Video to WMV/ASF; Convert Video to VCD/SVCD/DVD compliant files; Join video files to a large one (even different formats); Converting video files from one format to another.all media formats to DivX (MPEG4) and AVI,PAL-to-NTSC conversion and vice versa are also included, You can change the codec/System type Between them including PAL< => NTSC, Divx < ==> cinpeak,as well as support for streaming media (WMV/ASF). An easy-to-use interface allows you to enjoy working with video files without frequently consulting reference materials.




Gmail Account Creator

Posted by download in Other, Software on 31-08-2010

Application details

The most affordable Gmail Account Creation software available. There’s no need to spend lots of money on other Account Creators when you can get this one for much less.


* NEW – Works with the recent changes to Gmail’s captcha. Allows you to enter up to 10 captchas per account (most accounts are created with only 3).
* Select where you would like your accounts saved to.
* Proxy Support: You can create accounts even after you have reached Gmail’s daily limit.
* NEW – Uses random first and last names when creating accounts (you can change the names the software uses from within the “Settings” folder in the installed directory).
* NEW – Import a list of usernames to use for registration (the software will rotate through them automatically).
* NEW – Add random numbers or letters to the end of your username (this feature works with an imported username list OR with one username prefix that you specify)
* NEW – Ability to enable POP3 (includes advanced POP3 features).
* Ability to enable and set an Auto Responder.
* NEW – Ability to enable and set a Signature.
* NEW – Ability to enable and set a “Forward To” email address (includes advanced forwarding features).
* Automatic Updates: When the software is loaded, it checks to see if a newer version is available. If it is, then it is automatically downloaded.




Document Control System

Posted by download in Other, Software on 31-08-2010

Application details

Proper documentation of processes and timely, effective releases of document revisions are important to every business. Our Document Control software system provides all the tools you need to track, organize, and manage any type of documentation.
Features:Document Control provides all the tools you need to track, organize, and manage any type of documentation.
Document List
Displays a complete listing of the documents that have been added to the current database. Quickly locate documents to Review or update a revision record.
List Queries
Advanced query features allow sorting and filtering of the document list. As your business grows and develops more and more documents that need to be controlled, the list of documents to be maintained can quickly become unmanageable. Sorting and filtering the list of documents allows you to quickly locate and address specific documents.
Document Details Page
This data-entry form includes built-in and user-definable fields to describe the document, its revision History, released copies, and record notes of any kind regarding the document.
Released Copies
Tracking released copies is arguably the most important Aspect of document control. When a new version of a document is completed and ready to be distributed, Document Control tracks who has printed or electronic copies of every document in the system.
Advanced Reports
Instantly print the information you are looking at on the screen or generate detailed reports and graphs on documents. Reports may also be saved in excel or .pdf formats.
Document Users
Managing which users have access to change or see a document is the other critical component of document control. The Document Users page of each record in Document Control allows that control
Document Control is designed to be as easy to use as possible, but help is always available if it is ever needed.