FileZilla 3.5.0 RC1
Posted by download in Software on 09-05-2011
MySQL 5.5.12
Posted by download in Software on 08-05-2011
Foobar2000 1.1.7 beta 2
Posted by download in Software on 08-05-2011
uTorrent 2.2.1 Final
Posted by download in Software on 08-05-2011
µTorrent is a small and incredibly popular BitTorrent client.
MicroSized Yet Feature Filled
Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent including bandwidth prioritization scheduling RSS autodownloading and Mainline DHT compatible with BitComet. Additionally µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification compatible with Azureus and above BitComet 0.63 and above and peer exchange.
µTorrent was written with efficiency in mind. Unlike many torrent clients it does not hog valuable system resources typically using less than 6MB of memory allowing you to use the computer as if it weren&39;t there at all. Additionally the program itself is contained within a single executable less than 220 KB in size.
Skinnable and Localized
Various icon toolbar graphic and status icon replacements are available and creating your own is very simple. µTorrent also has support for localization and with a language file present will automatically switch to your system language. If your language isn&39;t available you can easily add your own or edit other existing translations to improve them
Actively Developed and Improved
The developer puts in a lot of time working on features and making things more userfriendly. Releases only come out when they&39;re ready with no schedule pressures so the few bugs that appear are quickly addressed and fixed.
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Download uTorrent 2.2.1 Final
Super Anti Spyware 4.52
Posted by download in Software on 08-05-2011
SUPERAntiSpyware Professional features our highly advanced RealTime Protection to ensure protection from installation or reinstallation of potential threats as you surf the Internet. Used in conjunction with our First Chance Prevention and Registry Protection your computer is protected from thousands of threats that attempt to infect and infiltrate your system at startup or while shutting down your system.
Advanced Detection and Removal
Detect and Remove Spyware Adware Malware Trojans Dialers Worms KeyLoggers HiJackers Parasites Rootkits Rogue Security Products and many other types of threats. Light on System Resources and won&39;t slow down your computer like many other antispyware products. Won&39;t conflict with your existing antispyware or antivirus solution
RealTime Protection
RealTime Blocking of threats Prevent potentially harmful software from installing or reinstalling
First Chance Prevention examines over 50 critical points of your system each time your system starts up and shuts down to eliminate threats before they have a chance to infect and infiltrate your system.
Schedule either Quick Complete or Custom Scans Daily or Weekly to ensure your computer is free from harmful software.
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Vista Codec Package 5.9.6
Posted by download in Software on 08-05-2011
All the codecs you need for Vista to play AVIs DVDs and more
It does not contain a media player and it doesn&39;t associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player limited only by the players&39; capabilities to play DVD&39;s movies and video clips of almost any filetype. Streaming video is supported in all popular web browsers. By default you won&39;t need to make any adjustments to enjoy a variety of media content immediately. Users have the ability to choose what is installed using the public redistributable or after an unattended install you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. Future releases will recognize previous releases and are capable of performing upgrade installations.
The Vista Codec Package is also compatible with all versions of Windows XP.
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Google Chrome 12.0.742.30 Beta
Posted by download in Software on 07-05-2011
Vista Codec Package 5.9.6
Posted by download in Software on 07-05-2011
Miranda 0.9.21
Posted by download in Software on 07-05-2011