VLC Media Player 2.0.5 ビデオソフト

Posted by YallaGroup.Net in Software on 18-12-2012

VLC Media Player 2.0.5 ビデオソフト

VLC Media Player 2.0.5 ビデオソフト

VLCメディアプレーヤーは、さまざまなオーディオおよびビデオフォーマットだけでなく、移植性の高いマルチメディアプレーヤーですDVD、VCD、および外部コーデックやプログラムなしで様々なストリーミングのプロトコル。 また、高帯域幅のネットワーク上でIPv4またはIPv6でユニキャストまたはマルチキャストのストリームには、サーバーとして使用することができます。 VLCは再生することができます: のMPEG 1、MPEG 2およびMPEG 4 ハードディスク、CD ROMドライブなどからDivXファイル のDVD、VCD、およびオーディオCD 衛星カードから(DVB Sの) ネットワークの いくつかの種類がストリーム:UDP RTPのユニキャストは、UDP RTPマルチキャストは、HTTPは、RTSP、MMSの、など から(GNU LinuxとWindowsのみ)を取得し、又はエンコードカード ....




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Opera 12.12 for windows インターネットブラウザ

Posted by YallaGroup.Net in Software on 18-12-2012

Opera 12.12 for windows インターネットブラウザ

Opera 12.12 for windows インターネットブラウザ

フル機能のインターネットブラウザーが、Operaはブロック、統合された検索タブブラウズ、およびOperaの革新的な電子メールプログラムは、RSSニュースフィードやIRCチャットのような高度な機能を開く含まれています。我々のユーザーが異なるニーズを知っているので、そして、あなたは視線を、あなたのOperaブラウザの内容マウスを数回クリックするとカスタマイズできます。 短縮ダイヤル:あなたのお気に入りのサイトはワンクリックですべての回でています。 アドレスバーに 検索のショートカット:高速検索 acirc euro タイプのクエリを直接。 ゴミ箱ことができません:瞬時に最近閉じたタブを開きます。 短縮ダイヤル:ワンクリックでお気に入りのWebページを取得します。 マウスジェスチャーは:オペラと、あなたのマウスを使ってWebをナビゲートすることができます。 オペラリンク:あなたの選択オンラインで、または別のコンピュータとデバイス間の同期データを。 は、クイック検索:オペラだけでなく、タイトルやアドレスを覚えているだけでなく、あなたが訪問したWebページの実際の内容を。 フィードのプレビュー:プレビューフィードフィードのアイコンをクリックして、あなたはクリーンで効率的な複数の列のレイアウトで表示されます。 クイックとカスタマイズ可能なWeb検索:Googleにすばやくアクセスは、eBay、Amazonは、検索フィールドを右上隅の他の宿泊を取得します。 ....




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Google Earth 7.0.2 三次元地盤

Posted by YallaGroup.Net in Software on 18-12-2012

Google Earth 7.0.2 三次元地盤

Google Earth 7.0.2 三次元地盤

Google Earthはあなたが海の峡谷に宇宙の銀河からの衛星画像、地図、地形、3Dの建物を、表示するには、地球上のどこに飛ぶことができます。あなたは、豊富な地理的コンテンツを探索してツアーを場所を保存し、他の人と共有できます。 Google Earthの機能は次のとおりです。 歴史的な画像の数十年でグローバルな変更を参照してください。 あなたの近所では時間を通じてどのように変化したかあなたが今まで疑問に思っている場合、Google Earthはあなたが過去にアクセスすることができます。クリックするだけで、氷帽、海岸浸食などを溶融、郊外のスプロール化をチェックしてください。 海の表面の下にダイブ 新しい海洋の層では、海のフロアのすべての方法を突き通すことができるBBCやナショナルジオグラフィックといったパートナーから排他的なコンテンツを表示し、タイタニック号のような3Dの難破船を探検。 トラックや他の人とあなたのパスを共有する さらに一歩目印を取ると、Google Earthでフリーフォームのツアーを記録。単に、ツーリング機能で記者レコードを回し、そして世界を参照してください。あなたも旅をパーソナライズするためにサウンドトラックやナレーションを追加することができます。 ....




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Your Unique Visitors

Posted by download in Software on 17-12-2012

For all of you stats junkies — you know who you are! — we’ve added some holiday cheer to your WordPress.com Stats Page. In addition to the number of views your site receives, you can now keep tabs on how many unique visitors come to your site, all on a single, easy-to-read chart.

A visitor is a unique user or browser/device that views one or more posts or pages on your site. When your friend checks out your site from her laptop and then again from her phone, that’s two visits.  If she clicks on four different posts, that’s four views.

At a glance, you can now get a feel for how these numbers relate:

Hover over a day, week, or month in the chart to see how many views and unique visitors you had. To make this data even more useful, we do the math for you & tell you what your approximate number of views per visitor is. If many of your readers view a lot of your content, that’ll be a high number; if each reader only checks out a few posts, it’ll be lower.

There isn’t an ideal number of views per visitor

The ratio of views to visitors will be different for different types of sites, depending on the nature of your content, where your traffic comes from, how frequently you publish new content, and a host of other variables. You might also notice that weekly unique visitors is less than the sum of daily visitors for the same week. This occurs when the same person visits your site multiple times during the week — likewise for monthly visitors, which may be less than sum of weekly.

Right now, your visitor counts are slightly delayed. This new metric depends on complex, computationally intensive calculations.  We’re continually fine-tuning the mechanisms we use to make them as quick and accurate as possible.

For those of you with self-hosted sites, Jetpack users haven’t been left out in the cold! Browse to your WordPress.com Stats Page and check out your new metrics.

Happy analyzing!

Manage Slideshows and Galleries — All in One Place

Posted by download in Software on 17-12-2012

We’re excited to announce more updates to the Media Manager, which makes it even easier to upload and manage media on your site.

Insert a Slideshow in the Media Manager

You can now enable a slideshow in the Media Manager. In Edit Gallery mode, you’ll see a list of options on the right under “Gallery Settings.” Click on the dropdown menu next to “Type” to see a new list of gallery types, including a Slideshow option at the bottom:

Gallery Settings

Similar to the gallery feature, the slideshow option allows you to include specific images. You can reorder the images by dragging and dropping thumbnails, randomize the order by checkmarking the box next to “Random Order,” and reverse the order of images by clicking the “Reverse Order” button at the top. You can also insert multiple slideshows into a post or page, just as you’re able to do with galleries.

Note that the “Link To” and “Columns” options do not apply to slideshows.

The old [slideshow] shortcode will continue to work, but to access all these new features — such as ordering, excluding certain images, etc. — you would need to update your shortcode to use the new [gallery type="slideshow"] format.

Select Gallery Layouts Easily

You’ll also notice you can now set the type of gallery in the Media Manager, in the same dropdown menu mentioned above. In addition to Slideshow, you’ll see a list of gallery layout options: Default, Tiles, Square Tiles, and Circles. Note that Tiles is the option for the rectangular layout, and Square Tiles is the option for the square layout. (As mentioned in our recent galleries post, the  thumbnail grid layout is the default option for all sites.)

Using the various gallery shortcodes to display your galleries still works as well.

These latest updates make it even easier for you to manage your media — all in one place! For further information, please visit our slideshow and gallery support pages.

Any Video Converter 3.5.8

Posted by download in Software on 15-12-2012

Any Video Converter 3.5.8

Any Video Converter 3.5.8

Any Video Converter is an All in One video converting tool with easy to use graphical interface fast converting speed and excellent video quality. It allows you to effortlessly convert video files between every format It can convert almost all video formats including DivX XviD MOV rm rmvb MPEG VOB DVD WMV AVI to MPEG 4 movie format for iPod ....



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Any Video Converter 3.5.8 ビデオコンバーター

Posted by YallaGroup.Net in Software on 15-12-2012

Any Video Converter 3.5.8 ビデオコンバーター

Any Video Converter 3.5.8 ビデオコンバーター

すべてのビデオコンバータがAll in Oneのビデオに変換するツールです。やすい速い速度と優れたビデオ品質を変換するグラフィカルなインターフェイスを使用する。それはあなたが簡単すべての形式間でビデオファイルを変換することができます!そ れはほとんどのDivX、XviD、のMOV、RMは、RMVBのを含め、すべてのビデオフォーマットを変えることができるのMPEG、VOBを、DVD リー、でWMV、AVIファイルのiPod PSPやその他のポータブルビデオ機器、MP4プレーヤーやスマートフォン用のMPEG 4ムービーのフォーマットに変換します。また、出力としてビデオファイル形式を定義されている任意のユーザーをサポートしています。すべてのビデオコンバータは、誰でも簡単にあなたのiPod、PSP、携帯電話やMP4プレーヤーと任意の形式のビデオを楽しむことができます。 使いやすいです 使いやすいインターフェイス。 は、AppleのiPodのビデオ、ソニーPSPなどへのすべてのビデオフォーマットに変換 バッチなどが、mp4をmpgファイル、aviファイルは、WMV、ASFのを含む任意のビデオフォーマットを変換する インポートおよびエクスポートビデオとして サポートのDivXおよびXvid aviファイル形式 サポートのデフォルトのビデオ オーディオの設定やユーザーのビデオとオーディオ用にカスタマイズパラメータを設定します。 は、プレビューするためのオプションを変換する前に、リアルタイムのビデオあり。 魅力的なビデオおよびオーディオ品質と 世界最速のビデオ変換速度を設定します。 サポートは、MP4ファイルの多くのビデオ オーディオのオプションを調整します。例えば、ビデオ オーディオサンプルレート、ビットレート、ビデオのサイズ... ....




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Freshly Pressed: Four Friday Faves

Posted by download in Software on 14-12-2012

No more of this “waiting until the end of the month” nonsense to see what was hot on Freshly Pressed! To keep our Freshly Pressed editors’ picks, um, fresh, we’ll highlight a few of our (and your) favorite posts here every Friday.

If One More Woman Complains About the Size of Her Body . . .

Caitlin Kelly’s post on Broadside hit a nerve with hundreds of you.

Whining about weight teaches the girls in our lives, who look to us their role models, that this is just what women do, that focusing miserably and endlessly on our individual body size and shape is our most pressing issue as women — instead of political and economic issues that affect us all, size 00s to 24s,  like paid maternity leave or better domestic violence protection or access to birth control and abortion.

Caitlin’s post racked up the Likes, but also spawned some fascinating conversation in her comments section. We loved seeing your responses as much as we enjoyed reading this no-holds-barred post in the first place.

My Life, Plan B (or what to do when life doesn’t go as planned)

Photo from http://callmeshebear.wordpress.com

Mama Bear, the blogger behind Call Me She Bear, is almost 40 years old, and coming to terms with the fact that her life hasn’t turned out quite the way she’d been planning.

(I’m sure none of us can relate, right?)

What’s Mama Bear’s Plan B? Actually:

“Plan B is not a plan at all. It’s more of an intention. It’s an intention to let go of the tight grip on my big expectations, take things one day at a time, do what’s in front of me to the best of my ability, and trust that the blur coming up for me on the horizon will become clear to me and worthwhile when I get there.”

The gorgeous photos accompanying the post pushed it over the top. We can’t wait to read about how Plan B works out.

“I’m Spiritual, Not Religious”

We had a feeling some great conversation would come out of this post, and we weren’t wrong. After all, it’s hard to imagine that a bunch of opinionated bloggers wouldn’t have something to say about this:

To claim to be spiritual and not religious is like claiming to have taken a swim without getting wet. Anyone who embarks on anything spiritual will either receive the religious tradition from which it comes, or create their own religious tradition in the attempt to understand and practice it.

Not everyone agreed with blogger Eric’s take, but the discussion was both thought-provoking and civil — the very best of what the WordPress.com community is about.

Hanging Up the Tutu

Becca at 25toFly had quite the cheering squad among fellow bloggers this week, and when we read this post about her journey to find her life’s passion and re-define herself after leaving a career in dance, we understood why.

I had become the one thing that I had almost forgotten I’d sworn not to be, Miss play-it-safe.  Sure, I’d find a job. That job would pay well enough for me to live as comfortably as I always have. People would see me as “successful,” but I wouldn’t stop thinking, “Is this it?” I would eventually become that forty-year-old woman still bragging about how many pirouettes she could do twenty years ago while shamefully dodging conversation about her soul draining day job.

Her new direction? Writing. You think it’s a good choice, and so do we.

Thanks to everyone who sent us recommendations this week — you introduced us to a bunch of great bloggers, some of whom have since been featured on Freshly Pressed. Keep it up! You can tweet links you love to us @freshly_pressed. (And be sure to follow @freshly_pressed to see all your fellow bloggers’ picks, even those that don’t make it to the Freshly Pressed page.)

New Theme: Widely

Posted by download in Software on 13-12-2012

Say hello to Widely, the newest theme to launch on WordPress.com. This modern and elegant theme showcases your content with a design that will give your site a classy, contemporary feel.

Widely front page

Widely front page

Make it yours with a custom background, custom menu, and optional custom header image. Promote posts in the content slider on a static front page and use featured images to make your site look stunning! Widely also comes with four Widget areas, six Post Formats, and a responsive layout structure that looks great on all devices.

The Widely theme was designed by Themes Kingdom. Learn more about it on the theme showcase, or activate it right away at Appearance → Themes. And once you are done, just start posting.

K Lite Codec Pack 9.6 Full

Posted by download in Software on 13-12-2012

K Lite Codec Pack 9.6 Full

K Lite Codec Pack 9.6 Full

The K Lite Codec Pack is a collection of DirectShow filters VFW ACM codecs and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding audio and video formats. The K Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user friendly solution for playing all your audio and movie files. With the K Lite Codec Pack you should be able ....



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