Introducing a New, Convenient Way for Your Customers to Contact You

Posted by download in Software on 13-08-2020

The world is mobile, and your visitors and customers expect to be able to easily contact you using their mobile device. With’s new WhatsApp button, you can provide a one-click, secure way for people to open WhatsApp, with your phone number and a message pre-filled.

Insert the WhatsApp button with your phone number and a custom message pre-filled.

Adding the button is easy. In the block editor, create a new block and search for WhatsApp:

whatsapp block

The WhatsApp button is available now to all sites on a Premium, Business, or eCommerce plan. You can upgrade your site to one of these plans, try it out for 30 days, and if you’re not satisfied with your upgrade we’ll grant you a full refund.

If you decide to cancel your paid plan after you’ve already accepted the free custom domain, the domain is yours to keep. We simply ask that you cover the costs for the domain registration.

We hope the WhatsApp button helps you connect with your customers and visitors in new ways. Give it a try today!

Manage Posts and Pages with the Block Editor Sidebar

Posted by download in Software on 13-08-2020

We wanted to make it easier to manage posts and pages when you’re working within the Block Editor. With the Block Editor Sidebar you can view, create, edit, and manage posts and pages right from the Block Editor!  

Wait, another sidebar?

Have you ever finished editing something and then needed to make a quick edit to an existing post, or start a new one? Previously this meant navigating to your dashboard and to the posts list.

The Block Editor Sidebar allows you to view and access your site’s posts and pages — whether they’re drafts, published, or scheduled — and create new ones right from the editor.

Using the sidebar

The sidebar is available in the Block Editor when editing both posts and pages. For now, when editing a post you’ll only be able to see recent posts, and create new posts. Similarly, if you’re editing a page you’ll see a list of your recent pages and a link to create a new page.

The following steps refer to posts, but you can use the same steps to edit pages.

Open an existing post or create a new one to open the editor.

Select a post from the posts list

To view the sidebar, click on the logo at the top left of the editor.

Click on the logo

To return to your posts list, select the View Posts link.

Block Editor Sidebar - view all posts

To load an existing post, select the post title in the list of recent posts. Unless it’s already been published, the post’s status will appear next to the title, for example “Draft” or “Scheduled.”

Block Editor Sidebar - select a post to edit

To create a new post, click on the Add new post link.

Block Editor Sidebar - add a new post

To dismiss the sidebar, click anywhere outside the sidebar or press the “Escape” key.

What’s next?

Now that we have the Block Editor Sidebar in place, we’ll extend its capabilities with more tools and shortcuts to help you manage your site’s content.

Do you have ideas for site-level features you’d like to see in the Block Editor Sidebar? Or suggestions about how we can improve this feature? Please let us know in the comments!

Starting Your Own Podcast on

Posted by download in Software on 12-08-2020

I am very inspired by creative podcasts. Entertaining guests and the unscripted nature of the conversations make me feel like I am right there, chatting about world affairs or the deep societal transformations of the connected age. I decided to start my own show with a group of friends  — loosely about blogging, but delving into all sorts of things.

It took three hours, with a total cost of $5/month, including our own domain name. In this post, I’ll share my journey of launching a brand-new podcast on, and later promoting it on iTunes and Spotify.

Why start a podcast?

Podcasting has been hailed as “the new blogging.” According to Edison Research, 51% of Americans have listened to a podcast, and hosts have created over one million podcasts on iTunes Podcasts.

Starting a podcast comes with a lot of perks:

  • You can connect with your audience on a much deeper level, thanks to your voice and the unscripted nature of the conversation.
  • It’s a fantastic excuse to reach out and meet interesting people.
  • Podcasting pairs really well with other projects — blogging, writing, or even a corporate ”day job.”

A group of Polish bloggers and I had been dreaming of a foray into podcasting for a while. We created the Placebo podcast in hopes of meeting interesting people and, frankly, having fun.

The tagline in Polish reads: “Your dose of absolutely nothing. Confirmed clinical efficacy.”

How does it all work?

You may have listened to a podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or another app — but did you know the content you’re enjoying doesn’t originate there? The beating heart of every podcast is its RSS feed. It is a particular format for content that services like iTunes or Spotify can process and display in the appropriate apps — iTunes, Alexa devices, and other services.

When you upload an audio file to your blog (for example, an .mp3) and hit publish, the new post (including the file) shows up in your RSS feed. From there, iTunes, Spotify, Pocket Casts, or another podcast app downloads the file to play it to your listeners. also has built-in podcasting tools to make that job easier. To upload audio files, you’ll need a paid plan — any plan, including the Personal plan at $5/month, will do.

What do you need to start?

The name

The name of your podcast helps listeners find you in their favorite podcasting app. With Placebo, our main concern was making it memorable; our secondary goal, humor. (Which is related — funny is memorable!) We came up with “Placebo — a podcast with a confirmed clinical efficacy.”

Other memorable name examples include therapist Esther Perrell’s podcast, Where Should We Begin, Matt Mullenweg’s podcast about remote work, Distributed, and Joe Rogan’s The Joe Rogan Experience. If you are still stuck, try out our recently launched business name generator to help you brainstorm.


We didn’t want to get expensive gear. It’s better to start simple with the equipment you already have. The Placebo podcast is recorded over Zoom, with video-call headsets. I recommend recording at least three episodes, so when you publish, your listeners will have a better taste of your style.

The Distributed podcast has a great walkthrough of the various recording options you can try.

Cover art

In addition to your name, there are other ways to stand out from all the other podcasts and voices: strong cover art and a succinct, solid summary. (You can add all three on in My Sites → Settings → Writing → Podcasting.) 

The cover art should be easy to recognize. Since our podcast is named Placebo, we decided on a satirical medical vibe. We found a nice graphic, and after a few tweaks, tada!

Placebo podcast cover image

Pro tip: Cover art should be 1400×1400 px, so be sure to use an image that’s big enough.

The summary

When writing your summary on iTunes, you must distill the description of your podcast content to 250 characters or less. For Placebo, we wanted to give listeners a taste and encourage them to give us a try:

Placebo is a podcast with confirmed clinical efficacy. Artur, Agnes, and Michael chat about building your online home, technology, culture, business ideas, and being the best citizen of the Internet you can be. More on

We also included the link to our site, where listeners can learn more.

Here is where you upload your cover art and summary on

Light audio editing

Some podcasts (like Distributed) are edited to equalize audio levels or condense the episode. We opted to publish the raw audio — I only attach the pre-recorded intro music in GarageBand. I delve into details of audio editing on my blog Deliberate Internet

Before I upload a new episode to iTunes Podcasts, I add relevant ID3 tags in the iTunes player (where you edit rather than publish). ID3 tags are used by the iPhone Podcasts app to display your cover image. Import each one of your recorded files in iTunes player and select “Information.” There, you can tweak the image, category, and title of the audio file.

After you edit the information in iTunes player, or wherever you are editing your podcast, upload your cover art and click “OK”; your episode will appear in the iTunes Player Podcast library on your computer. You can find this file in your Home Directory → Music → iTunes → Podcasts.

Your audio files are now ready for distribution! That’s where comes in.

Uploading to

Create a separate post for each episode of your podcast. This gives you a unique link to share with your audience, a way for them to listen to your episode without the app, and a place to add extra notes and links.

To publish a podcast post:

  1. Create a new post. Add any extra notes or info you want to share with the podcast.
  2. Add the Audio block and upload your podcast file.
  3. Give the post the Podcast category.
  4. Publish the post.

This guide on the Support Site has more details.

Time to go live

You have your domain and a site for your podcast. You’ve recorded and uploaded a few episodes. Now it’s time to share your podcast with the world!

Your podcast is available on your site, but the majority of people consume podcasts through an app — iTunes podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, etc. Fortunately, they all work by checking your RSS feed. Once you submit your RSS feed to those services, new episodes will appear there automatically.


  1. Copy the RSS URL from the podcasting settings page
  2. Go to Podcasters Spotify
  3. Submit your RSS feed
  4. Wait two to three days for your podcast to appear


  1. Copy the RSS URL from the podcasting settings page
  2. Go to Podcasts Connect
  3. Submit your RSS feed
  4. Wait about a week for them to review and approve your podcast

When the podcast is reviewed, approved, and appears in the Spotify and iTunes libraries, add those links to your site. That way, you can promote your nifty custom domain, and visitors can choose their preferred podcast consuming technology. We put these buttons right up at the top:

You can download these buttons here:

The lucky number seven

Recording new podcast episodes are plenty of fun, but can sometimes feel like work. Podcasts with seven or more episodes are likely to continue growing. The Placebo podcast crew has pledged to record at least eight.

And don’t forget to enjoy it! The conversations with interesting guests are why we do it.

I’ve published the full version of “How to Start a Podcast” on my personal website. There, I’ve expanded on my process to record episodes over Zoom, and how I later edited them in GarageBand. Dive deeper if you’re interested!

Cover Photo by The Teens Network Daytime Show Studios on

WordPress 5.5 “Eckstine”

Posted by download in Software on 11-08-2020

Here it is! Named “Eckstine” in honor of Billy Eckstine, this latest and greatest version of WordPress is available for download or update in your dashboard.

Welcome to WordPress 5.5.

In WordPress 5.5, your site gets new power in three major areas:
speed, search, and security.


Posts and pages feel faster, thanks to lazy-loaded images.

Images give your story a lot of impact, but they can sometimes make your site seem slow.

In WordPress 5.5, images wait to load until they’re just about to scroll into view. The technical term is ‘lazy loading.’

On mobile, lazy loading can also keep browsers from loading files meant for other devices. That can save your readers money on data — and help preserve battery life.


Say hello to your new sitemap.

WordPress sites work well with search engines.

Now, by default, WordPress 5.5 includes an XML sitemap that helps search engines discover your most important pages from the very minute you go live.

So more people will find your site sooner, giving you more time to engage, retain and convert them to subscribers, customers or whatever fits your definition of success.


Now you can choose to update plugins and themes automatically–or pick just a few–from the screens you’ve always used.

Auto-updates for Plugins and Themes

Now you can set plugins and themes to update automatically — or not! — in the WordPress admin. So you always know your site is running the latest code available.

You can also turn auto-updates on or off for each plugin or theme you have installed — all on the same screens you’ve always used.

Update by uploading ZIP files

If updating plugins and themes manually is your thing, now that’s easier too — just upload a ZIP file.

Highlights from the block editor

Once again, the latest WordPress release packs a long list of exciting new features for the block editor. For example:

Block patterns

New block patterns make it simple and fun to create complex, beautiful layouts, using combinations of text and media that you can mix and match to fit your story.

You will also find block patterns in a wide variety of plugins and themes, with more added all the time. Pick any of them from a single place — just click and go!

The new block directory

Now it’s easier than ever to find the block you need. The new block directory is built right into the block editor, so you can install new block types to your site without ever leaving the editor.

Inline image editing

Crop, rotate, and zoom your photos right from the image block. If you spend a lot of time on images, this could save you hours!

And so much more.

The highlights above are a tiny fraction of the new block editor features you’ve just installed. Open the block editor and enjoy!


Every release adds improvements to the accessible publishing experience, and that remains true for WordPress 5.5.

Now you can copy links in media screens and modal dialogs with a button, instead of trying to highlight a line of text.

You can also move meta boxes with the keyboard, and edit images in WordPress with your assistive device, as it can read you the instructions in the image editor.

For developers

5.5 also brings a big box of changes just for developers.

Server-side registered blocks in the REST API

The addition of block types endpoints means that JavaScript apps (like the block editor) can retrieve definitions for any blocks registered on the server.

Defining environments

WordPress now has a standardized way to define a site’s environment type (staging, production, etc). Retrieve that type with wp_get_environment_type() and execute only the appropriate code.


The Dashicons library has received its final update in 5.5. It adds 39 block editor icons along with 26 others.

Passing data to template files

The template loading functions (get_header()get_template_part(), etc.) have a new $args argument. So now you can pass an entire array’s worth of data to those templates.

More changes for developers

  • The PHPMailer library just got a major update, going from version 5.2.27 to 6.1.6.
  • Now get more fine-grained control of redirect_guess_404_permalink().
  • Sites that use PHP’s OPcache will see more reliable cache invalidation, thanks to the new wp_opcache_invalidate() function during updates (including to plugins and themes).
  • Custom post types associated with the category taxonomy can now opt-in to supporting the default term.
  • Default terms can now be specified for custom taxonomies in register_taxonomy().
  • The REST API now officially supports specifying default metadata values through register_meta().
  • You will find updated versions of these bundled libraries: SimplePie, Twemoji, Masonry, imagesLoaded, getID3, Moment.js, and clipboard.js.

The Squad

Leading this release were Matt MullenwegJake Spurlock, and David Baumwald. Supporting them was this highly enthusiastic release squad:

Joining the squad throughout the release cycle were 805 generous volunteer contributors who collectively worked on over 523 tickets on Trac and over 1660 pull requests on GitHub.

Put on a Billy Eckstine playlist, click that update button (or download it directly), and check the profiles of the fine folks that helped:

A2 Hosting, a4jp . com, a6software, Aaron D. Campbell, Aaron Jorbin, abderrahman, Abha Thakor, Achal Jain, achbed, Achyuth Ajoy, acosmin, acsnaterse, Adam Silverstein, Addie, addyosmani, adnan.limdi, adrian, ahortin, airamerica, Ajay Ghaghretiya, Ajit Bohra, akbarhusen, akbarhusen429, Akhilesh Sabharwal, Akira Tachibana, Alain Schlesser, Albert Juhé Lluveras, Alex Concha, Alex Kirk, Alex Lende, Alex Shiels, Ali, ali11007, Allen Snook, amaschas, Amit Dudhat, anbumz, andfinally, Andrea Fercia, Andrea Middleton, Andrea Tarantini, Andrei Draganescu, Andrew Duthie, Andrew Nacin, Andrew Nevins, Andrew Ozz, Andrey "Rarst" Savchenko, Andrés Maneiro, Andy Fragen, Andy Meerwaldt, Andy Peatling, Angela Jin, Angelika Reisiger, Anh Tran, Ankit Gade, Ankit K Gupta, Ankit Panchal, Anne McCarthy, Anthony Burchell, Anton Timmermans, Antonis Lilis, apedog, archon810, argentite, Arpit G Shah, Arslan Ahmed, asalce, ashiagr, ashour, Atharva Dhekne, Aurélien Joahny, aussi, automaton, Ayesh Karunaratne, BackuPs, Barry, Barry Ceelen, Bart Czyz, bartekcholewa, bartkalisz, Bastien Ho, Bastien Martinent, bcworkz, bdbch, bdcstr, Ben Dunkle, Bence Szalai, bencroskery, Benjamin Gosset, Benoit Chantre, Bernhard Reiter, BettyJJ, bgermann, bigcloudmedia, bigdawggi, Bill Erickson, Birgir Erlendsson (birgire), Birgit Pauli-Haack, BjornW, bonger, Boone Gorges, Boris, Brandon Kraft, Brandon Payton, Brent Swisher, Brian Krogsgard, bruandet, Bunty, Burhan Nasir, caiocrcosta, Cameron Voell, cameronamcintyre, Carike, Carl Wuensche, Carlos Galarza, Carolina Nymark, Caroline Moore, Carrigan, ceyhun, Chad, Chad Butler, Charles Fulton, Chetan Prajapati, Chintan hingrajiya, Chip Snyder, Chloé Bringmann, Chouby, Chris Van Patten, chriscct7, Christian Chung, Christian Jongeneel, Christian Sabo, Christian Wach, Christoph Herr, cklee, clayray, Clifford Paulick, codeforest, Commeuneimage, Copons, Corey McKrill, cpasqualini, Cristovao Verstraeten, Csaba (LittleBigThings), Curtis Belt, Cyrus Collier, D.PERONNE, d6, Daniel Bachhuber, Daniel Hüsken, Daniel James, Daniel Llewellyn, Daniel Richards, Daniel Roch, Daniele Scasciafratte, Danny, Darko G., Darren Ethier (nerrad), Dave McHale, Dave Whitley, David A. Kennedy, David Aguilera, David Anderson, David Artiss, David Baumwald, David Binovec, David Brumbaugh, David E. Smith, David Herrera, David Ryan, David Shanske, David Smith, davidvee, dchymko, Debabrata Karfa, Deepak Lalwani, dekervit, Delowar Hossain, demetris, Denis Yanchevskiy, derekakelly, Derrick Hammer, Derrick Tennant, Diane Co, Dilip Bheda, Dimitris Mitsis, dingo-d, Dion Hulse, Dixita Dusara, djennez, dmenard, dmethvin, doc987, Dominik Schilling, donmhico, Dono12, Doobeedoo, Dossy Shiobara, dpacks, dratwas, Drew Jaynes, DrLightman, DrProtocols, dsifford, dudo, Dustin Bolton, dvershinin, Dylan Kuhn, ecotechie, Eddie Moya, Eddy, Edi Amin, ehtis, Eileen Violini, Ekaterina, Ella van Durpe, elmastudio, elrae, Emanuel Blagonic, Emilie LEBRUN, Emmanuel Hesry, Enej Bajgoric, Enrico Sorcinelli, Enrique Piqueras, Enrique Sánchez, Eric, Eric Andrew Lewis, Eric Binnion, Erik Betshammar, Erin 'Folletto' Casali, esemlabel, esoj, espiat, Estela Rueda, etoledom, etruel, Ev3rywh3re, Evan Mullins, Fabian Kägy, Fabian Todt, Faisal Ahmed, Felix Arntz, Felix Edelmann, ferdiesletering, finomeno, Florian Brinkmann, Florian TIAR, Florian Truchot, florianatwhodunit, FolioVision, Francesca Marano, Francois Thibaud, Frank Goossens, Frank Klein, Frank.Prendergast, Franz Armas, Gabriel Koen, Gabriel Maldonado, Gabriel Mays, gadgetroid, Gal Baras, Garavani, garethgillman, Garrett Hyder, Gary Cao, Gary Jones, Gary Pendergast, Geert De Deckere, Gemini Labs, Gennady Kovshenin, geriux, Giorgio25b, gisselfeldt, glendaviesnz, goldsounds, Goto Hayato, Govind Kumar, Grégory Viguier, gradina, Greg Ziółkowski, gregmulhauser, grierson, Grzegorz.Janoszka, gsmumbo, Guido Scialfa, guidobras, Gunther Pilz, gwwar, H-var, hakre, Halacious, hankthetank, Hapiuc Robert, Hareesh Pillai, haukep, Haz, Hector F, Helen Hou-Sandi, Henry Wright, hlanggo, hommealone, Hoover, Howdy_McGee, hronak, huntlyc, Ian Belanger, Ian Dunn, Ian Stewart, ianjvr, ibdz, ifrins, infinum, Ipstenu (Mika Epstein), Isabel Brison, ishitaka, J.D. Grimes, jackfungi, jacklinkers, Jadon N, jadpm, jagirbahesh, Jake Spurlock, James Koster, James Nylen, Jan Koch, Jan Reilink, Jan Thiel, Janvo Aldred, Jarret, Jason Adams, Jason Coleman, Jason Cosper, Jason Crouse, Jason LeMahieu (MadtownLems), Jason Rouet, JasWSInc, Javier Casares, Jayson Basanes, jbinda, jbouganim, Jean-Baptiste Audras, Jean-David Daviet, Jeff Chandler, Jeff Farthing, Jeff Ong, Jeff Paul, Jen, Jenil Kanani, Jeremy Felt, Jeremy Herve, Jeremy Yip, jeryj, Jesin A, Jignesh Nakrani, Jim_Panse, Jip Moors, jivanpal, Joe Dolson, Joe Hoyle, Joe McGill, Joen Asmussen, Johanna de Vos, John Blackbourn, John Dorner, John James Jacoby, John P. Green, John Watkins, johnnyb, Jon Quach, Jon Surrell, Jonathan Bossenger, Jonathan Champ, Jonathan Christopher, Jonathan Desrosiers, jonkolbert, Jonny Harris, jonnybot, Jono Alderson, Joost de Valk, Jorge Bernal, Jorge Costa, Joseph Dickson, Josepha Haden, Josh Smith, JoshuaWold, Joy, Juanfra Aldasoro, juanlopez4691, Jules Colle, julianm, Juliette Reinders Folmer, Julio Potier, Julka Grodel, Justin Ahinon, Justin de Vesine, Justin Tadlock, justlevine, justnorris, K. Adam White, kaggdesign, Kailey (trepmal), Kaira, Kaitlin Bolling, KamataRyo, Kantari Samy, Kaspars, Kavya Gokul, keesiemeijer, Kelly Dwan, kennethroberson5556, Kevin Hagerty, Kharis Sulistiyono, Khokan Sardar, kinjaldalwadi, Kiril Zhelyazkov, Kirsty Burgoine, Kishan Jasani, kitchin, Kite, Kjell Reigstad, Knut Sparhell, Konstantin Obenland, Konstantinos Xenos, ksoares, KT Cheung, Kukhyeon Heo, lalitpendhare, Laterna Studio, laurelfulford, Laurens Offereins, Levdbas, Lew Ayotte, Lex Robinson, linyows, lipathor, Lisa Schuyler, liuhaibin, ljharb, logig, lucasbustamante, luiswill, Luke Cavanagh, Luke Walczak, lukestramasonder, M Asif Rahman, M.K. Safi, Maarten de Boer, Mahfoudh Arous, manojlovic, Manuel Schmalstieg, maraki, Marcin Pietrzak, Marcio Zebedeu, Marco Pereirinha, MarcoZ, Marcus, Marcus Kazmierczak, Marek Dědič, Marek Hrabe, Mario Valney, Marius Jensen, Mark Chouinard, Mark Parnell, Mark Uraine, markdubois, markgoho, Marko Andrijasevic, Marko Heijnen, MarkRH, markshep, markusthiel, Martijn van der Kooij, martychc23, Mary Baum, Matheus Martins, Mathieu Viet, Matias Ventura, matjack1, Matt Cromwell, Matt Mullenweg, Matt Radford, Matt van Andel, mattchowning, Matthew Boynes, Matthew Eppelsheimer, Matthew Gerring, Matthias Kittsteiner, Matthias Pfefferle, Matthieu Mota, mattyrob, Maxime Culea, Maxime Pertici, maxme, Mayank Majeji, mcshane, Mel Choyce-Dwan, Menaka S., mensmaximus, metalandcoffee, Michael, Michael Arestad, Michael Arestad, Michael Fields, Michael Nelson, Michele Butcher-Jones, Michelle, Miguel Fonseca, mihdan, Miina Sikk, Mikael Korpela, mikaumoto, Mike Crantea, Mike Glendinning, Mike Haydon, Mike Schinkel [WPLib Box project lead], Mike Schroder, Mikey Arce, Milana Cap, Milind More, mimi, mislavjuric, Mohammad Jangda, Mohammad Rockeybul Alam, Mohsin Rasool, Monika Rao, Morgan Kay, Morten Rand-Hendriksen, Morteza Geransayeh, moto hachi ( ), mrgrt, mrmist, mrTall, msaggiorato, Muhammad Usama Masood, Mukesh Panchal, munyagu, Nadir Seghir, Nahid Ferdous Mohit, Naoko Takano, narwen, Nate Gay, Nathan Rice, Navid, neonkowy, net, netpassprodsr, Nextendweb, Ngan Tengyuen, Nick Daugherty, Nicky Lim, nicolad, Nicolas Juen, NicolasKulka, Nidhi Jain, Niels de Blaauw, Niels Lange, nigro.simone, Nikhil Bhansi, Nikolay Bachiyski, Nilo Velez, Niresh, nmenescardi, Noah Allen, ntsekouras, NumidWasNotAvailable, oakesjosh, obliviousharmony, ockham, Omar Alshaker, onokazu, Optimizing Matters, ovann86, overclokk, p_enrique, Paal Joachim Romdahl, palmiak, Paresh Shinde, Parvand, Pascal Birchler, Pascal Casier, Paul Bearne, Paul Biron, Paul Fernhout, Paul Gibbs, Paul Ryan, Paul Schreiber, Paul Stonier, Paul Von Schrottky, pavelevap, Pedro Mendonça, pentatonicfunk, pepe, Peter "Pessoft" Kolínek, Peter Westwood, Peter Wilson, Phil Derksen, Phil Johnston, Philip Jackson, Pierre Gordon, pigdog234, pikamander2, pingram, Pionect, Piyush Patel, pkarjala, pkvillanueva, Prashant Baldha, pratik028, Pravin Parmar, Presskopp, Presslabs, Priyank Patel, Priyo Mukul, ProGrafika, programmin, Puneet Sahalot, pvogel2, r-a-y, Raaj Trambadia, Rachel Peter, raine, Ramanan, Rami Yushuvaev, Rastaban, RavanH, Ravat Parmar, ravenswd, rawrly, rebasaurus, Red Sand Media Group, Remy Perona, Remzi Cavdar, Renatho, renggo888, retlehs, retrofox, Riad Benguella, Rian Rietveld, riasat, Rich Tabor, Ringisha, ritterml, Rnaby, Rob Cutmore, Rob Migchels, rob006, Robert Anderson, Robert Chapin, Robert Peake, Ronald Huereca, Rostislav Wolný, Roy Tanck, ruxandra, Ryan Boren, Ryan Fredlund, Ryan Kienstra, Ryan McCue, Ryan Welcher, Ryota Sakamoto, ryotsun, Sören Wrede, Søren Brønsted, Sachit Tandukar, Sagar Jadhav, Sajjad Hossain Sagor, Sal Ferrarello, Salvatore Formisano, Sam Fullalove, Sam Webster, Samir Shah, Samuel Wood (Otto), samueljseay, Sander van Dragt, Sanket Mehta, sarahricker, Sathiyamoorthy V, Sayed Taqui, scarolan, scholdstrom, Scott Kingsley Clark, Scott Reilly, Scott Smith, Scott Taylor, scribu, scruffian, Sean Hayes, seanpaulrasmussen, seayou, senatorman, Sergey Biryukov, Sergey Predvoditelev, Sergio de Falco, sergiomdgomes, Shannon Smith, Shantanu Desai, shaunandrews, Shawn Hooper, shawnz, Shital Marakana, shulard, siliconforks, Simon Wheatley, simonjanin, sinatrateam, sjmur, skarabeq, skorasaurus, skoskie, slushman, snapfractalpop, SpearsMarketing, sphakka, squarecandy, sreedoap, Stanimir Stoyanov, Stefano Minoia, Stefanos Togoulidis, Steph Wells, Stephen Bernhardt, Stephen Cronin, Stephen Edgar, Steve Dufresne, stevegibson12, Steven Stern (sterndata), Steven Word, stevenkussmaul, stevenlinx, Stiofan, Subrata Sarkar, SUM1, Sunny, Sunny Ratilal, Sushyant Zavarzadeh, suzylah, Sybre Waaijer, Synchro, Sérgio Estêvão, Takayuki Miyauchi, Tammie Lister, Tang Rufus, TeBenachi, Tessa Watkins LLC, Tetsuaki Hamano, theMikeD, theolg, Thierry Muller, thimalw, Thomas M, Thorsten Frommen, Thrijith Thankachan, Tiago Hillebrandt, Till Krüss, Timothy Jacobs, Tkama, tmdesigned, tmoore41, TobiasBg, tobifjellner (Tor-Bjorn Fjellner), Tofandel, tomdude, Tommy Ferry, Tony G, Toro_Unit (Hiroshi Urabe), torres126, Torsten Landsiedel, Toru Miki, Travis Northcutt, treecutter, truongwp, tsimmons, Tung Du, Udit Desai, Ulrich, vabrashev, Vagios Vlachos, valchovski, Valentin Bora, Vayu Robins, veromary, Viktor Szépe, vinkla, virginienacci, Vladimir, vortfu, voyager131, vtieu, webaware, Weston Ruter, Whodunit, William Earnhardt, williampatton, Winstina, wpdesk, WPDO, WPMarmite, wppinar, Yahil Madakiya, yashrs, yoancutillas, yohannp, yuhin, Yuri Salame, Yvette Sonneveld, Zack Tollman, zaheerahmad, zakkath, Zebulan Stanphill, zieladam, and Česlav Przywara.


Many thanks to all of the community volunteers who contribute in the support forums. They answer questions from people across the world, whether they are using WordPress for the first time or since the first release. These releases are more successful for their efforts!

Finally, thanks to all the community translators who worked on WordPress 5.5. Their efforts bring WordPress fully translated to 46 languages at release time, with more on the way.

If you want to learn more about volunteering with WordPress, check out Make WordPress or the core development blog.

Improve Your Remote Collaboration With P2

Posted by download in Software on 06-08-2020

P2 powers internal collaboration at — and now it’s free for everyone.

As more collaboration is happening remotely and online — work yes, but increasingly also school and personal relationships — we’re all looking for better ways to work together online. Normally, teachers hand out homework to students in person, and project leaders gather colleagues around a conference table for a presentation. Suddenly all this is happening in email, and Slack, and Zoom, and Google docs, and a dozen other tools.

At, our 15 years as a fully distributed company with over 1,200 employees working from 77 countries relies on P2: an all-in-one team website, blog, database, and social network that consolidates communications and files in one accessible, searchable spot.

It powers work at, WooCommerce, and Tumblr. And today, a beta version is available for anyone — for your newly-remote work team, your homeschooling pod, your geographically scattered friends. P2 is the glue that gives your group an identity and coherence. 

What’s P2?

P2 moves your team or organization away from scattered communication and siloed email inboxes. Any member of your P2, working on any kind of project together, can post regular updates. Discussions happen via comments, posted right from the front page and updated in real time, so your team can brainstorm, plan, and come to a consensus. Upload photos or charts, take a poll, embed files, and share tidbits from your day’s.activities. Tag teammates to get their attention. Your P2 members can see updates on the Web, via email, or in the WordPress mobile apps. 

Keep your P2 private for confidential collaboration. Or make it public to build a community. How you use it and who has access is up to you. And as folks come and go, all conversations and files remain available on the P2, and aren’t lost in anyone’s inbox.

The beta version of P2 is free for anyone, and you can create as many P2 sites as you need. (Premium versions are in the works.)  

What can I use P2 for?

Inside Automattic, we use P2 for:

  • Companywide blog posts from teams and leadership, where everyone can ask questions via comments.
  • Virtual “watercoolers” to help teammates connect — there are P2s for anything from music to Doctor Who to long-distance running.
  • Project planning updates.
  • Sharing expertise to our broader audience. We’ve got a P2 with guidance on how to manage remote work, and WooCommerce uses P2 to organize their global community.

P2 works as an asynchronous companion to live video like Zoom or live chat like Slack. It’s a perfect partner for live video and chat — you have those tools when a real-time conversation gets the job done, and P2 for reflection, discussion, and commemorating decisions.y.

How can you use your P2?

  • Plan a trip with friends and family — share links, ticket files, and travel details. (See an example on this P2!).
  • Create a P2 for your school or PTA to share homeschooling resources and organize virtual events.
  • Manage your sports team’s schedules and share photos from games.
  • Let kids track and submit homework assignments remotely, with a space for Q&A with your students.

How can I learn more?

Visit this demo P2 to learn the P2 ropes! Check out a range of example posts and comments to see how you can:

  • Post, read, comment, like, and follow conversations. 
  • @-mention individuals and groups to get their attention. 
  • Share video, audio, documents, polls, and more.  
  • Access in-depth stats and get notifications.

Ready for your own P2?

Visit and create your own P2.

Hosting Live (Virtual!) Events: Lessons from the Growth Summit

Posted by download in Software on 05-08-2020

Back in January, my team at was busy planning another year of exciting in-person events — community meetups, conference keynotes, booths, and in-person demos — at large exhibit halls and hotels around the world.

Then world changed overnight, and because of a global pandemic, our Events team — just like many of you running your own businesses — had to rethink everything about how we connect with people. 

So we went back to work. We’ve learned so much in just five months, and it culminates in the upcoming Growth Summit — our first-ever multi-day virtual conference. It’s going to be a jam-packed program full of expert advice from business leaders and entrepreneurs. We’ll also have breakout sessions with our own WordPress experts, the Automattic Happiness Engineers, taking you through everything you need to know about building a powerful, fast website that works great for SEO, eCommerce, and growing your business. 

In the lead-up to the Summit, we wanted to share everything we’ve learned so far about running virtual events, from YouTube to webinars to Facebook Live and ticket sales. There are dozens of great solutions for staying connected to and supporting your audience — here’s what’s been working for us: 

Live webinars 

In April, we launched a series of daily webinars, 30-minute live demos and Q&As direct from our Happiness Engineers, five days a week. These webinars walk people through the basics of getting started with We also launched a few topical webinars — deeper dives into specific topics: eCommerce 101, growing an audience, using the WordPress app, and podcasting, to name a few.

We chose Zoom to host these because it’s a popular platform that allows for key webinar elements like pre-registration/signups, screen sharing, and Q&A. We pulled these together quickly, so going with a familiar solution was key for us and our audience. 

To expand our reach, we also streamed to our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channels. This was a simple integration that Zoom offers already, and we saw our viewership grow exponentially. 

Pre-recorded vs. live instruction 

At virtual events, one question always comes up: pre-recorded or live? We prefer a combination! Live is great when possible; it gives attendees an opportunity to interact with speakers, speakers can personalize the content based on questions being asked, and attendees can interact with one another, forming connections with like-minded content creators and entrepreneurs. 

Live content also has challenges: internet connections can cut out, computers can shut down unexpectedly, and there are more opportunities for interruption (does anyone else’s dog bark the minute you get on a live video?). It also requires all participants to be online at the same time, which can be logistically challenging.

Our advice: Test, test, test! If a speaker isn’t comfortable presenting live, there is the option to do a combination — a pre-recorded session with a live Q&A in the chat. We’ve found it to work really well, and it gives attendees the same access to the presenter.

The Growth Summit 

We helped folks to get online quickly with our daily webinars and dove into deeper topics each month, and now we want to help you grow your site. Enter The Official Growth Summit, happening next week, August 11-13.

We gathered frequently asked questions over the past few months, listened to your requests for live sessions across more time zones, and found inspiration from users that we felt needed to be shared widely.  

The Growth Summit takes a deeper dive into topics and offers hands-on WordPress training for anyone looking to get online. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions live, connect with speakers, visit our virtual Happiness Bar for 1:1 support, and connect with other attendees during the networking breaks. 

Some key highlights from the agenda

  • Using the block editor
  • Customizing your site
  • Growing your audience
  • Improving your content ranking (SEO)
  • Creating a marketing plan 
  • Expanding from blogging to podcasting 
  • Making money with your site
  • And so much more… 

We wanted a platform for this event that would act as an immersive event experience. There are many great platforms for this, including Accelevents and Hopin. We’ll be experimenting with many of them in the coming months (Remember: test!). A few key features we looked for: 

  • Ease of self-production
  • Ability for simultaneous sessions
  • Overall user experience
  • Flow of the event — central location for agenda, speaker bios, networking, and more
  • Networking features
  • Audience engagement — polling, live chat, and more
  • Analytics
  • Registration within the platform
  • Accessibility
  • Customization
  • Speaker (virtual) green rooms

The best part? This event is being offered twice a day so that we cover all time zones. And if you can’t join us live, attendees will have access to all content from all time zones, after the event.

WordPress 5.5 Release Candidate 2

Posted by download in Software on 04-08-2020

The second release candidate for WordPress 5.5 is here!

WordPress 5.5 is slated for release on August 11, 2020, but we need your help to get there—if you haven’t tried 5.5 yet, now is the time!

You can test the WordPress 5.5 release candidate in two ways:

Thank you to all of the contributors who tested the Beta releases and gave feedback. Testing for bugs is a critical part of polishing every release and a great way to contribute to WordPress.

Plugin and Theme Developers

Please test your plugins and themes against WordPress 5.5 and update the Tested up to version in the readme file to 5.5. If you find compatibility problems, please be sure to post to the support forums, so those can be figured out before the final release.

For a more detailed breakdown of the changes included in WordPress 5.5, check out the WordPress 5.5 beta 1 post. The WordPress 5.5 Field Guide is also out! It’s your source for details on all the major changes.

How to Help

Do you speak a language other than English? Help us translate WordPress into more than 100 languages! This release also marks the hard string freeze point of the 5.5 release schedule.

If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. We’d love to hear from you! If you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, fill one on WordPress Trac, where you can also find a list of known bugs.

The Month in WordPress: July 2020

Posted by download in Software on 03-08-2020

July was an action-packed month for the WordPress project. The month saw a lot of updates on one of the most anticipated releases – WordPress 5.5! WordCamp US 2020 was canceled and the WordPress community team started experimenting with different formats for engaging online events, in July. Read on to catch up with all the updates from the WordPress world.

WordPress 5.5 Updates

July was full of WordPress 5.5 updates! The WordPress 5.5 Beta 1 came out on July 7, followed by Beta 2 on July 14, Beta 3 on July 21, and Beta 4 on July 27. Subsequently, the team also published the first release candidate of WordPress 5.5 on July 28. 

WordPress 5.5, which is slated for release on August 11, 2020, is a major update with features like automatic updates for plugins and themes, a block directory, XML sitemaps, block patterns, and lazy-loading images, among others. To learn more about the release, check out its field guide post.

Want to get involved in building WordPress Core? Follow the Core team blog, and join the #core channel in the Making WordPress Slack group.

Gutenberg 8.5 and 8.6

The core team launched Gutenberg 8.5 and 8.6. Version 8.5 – the last plugin release will be included entirely (without experimental features) in WordPress 5.5, introduced improvements to block drag-and-drop and accessibility, easier updates for external images, and support for the block directory. Version 8.6 comes with features like Cover block video position controls and block pattern updates. For full details on the latest versions on these Gutenberg releases, visit these posts about 8.5 and 8.6.

Want to get involved in building Gutenberg? Follow the Core team blog, contribute to Gutenberg on GitHub, and join the #core-editor channel in the Making WordPress Slack group.

Reimagining Online WordPress Events

The Community team made the difficult decision to suspend in-person WordPress events for the rest of 2020 in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The team has also started working on reimagining online events. Based on feedback from the community members, the team decided to make changes to the current online WordCamp format. Key changes include wrapping up financial support for A/V vendors, ending event swag support for newer online WordCamps, and suspending the Global Community Sponsorship program for 2020. The team encourages upcoming online WordCamps to experiment with their events to facilitate an effective learning experience for attendees while avoiding online event fatigue. The team is currently working on a proposal to organize community-supported recorded workshops and synchronous discussion groups to help community members learn WordPress.

Want to get involved with the Community team? Follow the Community blog here, or join them in the #community-events channel in the Making WordPress Slack group. To organize a Meetup or WordCamp, visit the handbook page

WordCamp US 2020 is canceled

The organizers of WordCamp US 2020 have canceled the event in light of the continued pandemic and online event fatigue. The flagship event, which was originally scheduled for October 27-29 as an in-person event, had already planned to transition to an online event. Several WCUS Organizers will be working with the WordPress Community team to focus on other formats and ideas for online events, including a 24-hour contributor day, and contributing to the workshops initiative currently being discussed. Matt Mullenweg’s State of the Word (which typically accompanies WordCamp US) is likely to take place in a different format later in 2020.

Plugin and theme updates are now available over zip files

After eleven years, WordPress now allows users to update plugins and themes by uploading a ZIP file, in WordPress 5.5.  The feature, which was merged on July 7, has been one of the most requested features in WordPress. Now, when a user tries to upload a plugin or theme zip file from the WordPress dashboard by clicking the “Install Now” button, WordPress will direct users to a new screen that compares the currently-installed extension with the uploaded versions. Users can then choose between continuing with the installation or canceling. WordPress 5.5 will also offer automatic plugin and theme updates

Further Reading:

  • The Block directory is coming to WordPress with the 5.5 release. Plugin authors can now submit their Block plugins to the directory.
  • The Core team has opened up the call for features in the WordPress 5.6 release. You can comment on the post with features that you’d like to be included, current UX pain points, or maintenance tickets that need to be addressed. August 20 is the deadline for feature requests. 
  • Editor features such as the new Navigation block, the navigation screen, and the widget screen that were originally planned to be merged with WordPress 5.5 have been pushed for the next release
  • The Theme team is inviting proposals on whether to allow themes to place an additional top-level menu link in the admin.
  • BuddyPress 6.2 beta is out in the wild, and the team will soon release the stable version. The update includes changes that will make BuddyPress fully compatible with WordPress 5.5.
  • WordCamp EU 2021, which was being planned as an in-person event in Porto, Portugal, is moving online. The team is considering an in-person WordCamp EU in 2022. 
  • The Polyglots team has prepared and finalized a Translation Editor & Locale Manager Vetting Criteria to provide more clarity on how global mentors assign PTE/GTE/Locale Managers and to help locale teams set their own guidelines. The document, which was finalized after a lot of discussion, is now available in the Polyglots handbook.
  • Members of the Community team are discussing whether WordCamp volunteers, WordCamp attendees, or Meetup attendees should be awarded a profile badge. The ongoing discussion will be open for comments until August 13.
  • The WP Notify project, which aims to create a better way to manage and deliver notifications to the relevant audience, is on to its next steps. The team has finalized the initial requirements, and is kicking off the project build.
  • The WordPress documentation team has banned links to commercial websites in a revision to its external linking policy. The policy change does not remove external links to commercial sites from and only applies to documentation sites. The decision is intended to protect documentation from being abused, and to prevent the WordPress project from being biased. 

Have a story that we should include in the next “Month in WordPress” post? Please submit it here.

WordPress 5.5 Release Candidate

Posted by download in Software on 28-07-2020

The first release candidate for WordPress 5.5 is now available!

This is an important milestone in the community’s progress toward the final release of WordPress 5.5.

“Release Candidate” means that the new version is ready for release, but with millions of users and thousands of plugins and themes, it’s possible something was missed. WordPress 5.5 is slated for release on August 11, 2020, but we need your help to get there—if you haven’t tried 5.5 yet, now is the time!

You can test the WordPress 5.5 release candidate in two ways:

Thank you to all of the contributors who tested the Beta releases and gave feedback. Testing for bugs is a critical part of polishing every release and a great way to contribute to WordPress.

What’s in WordPress 5.5?

WordPress 5.5 has lots of refinements to polish the developer experience. To keep up, subscribe to the Make WordPress Core blog and pay special attention to the developer notes tag for updates on those and other changes that could affect your products.

Plugin and Theme Developers

Please test your plugins and themes against WordPress 5.5 and update the Tested up to version in the readme file to 5.5. If you find compatibility problems, please be sure to post to the support forums, so those can be figured out before the final release.

The WordPress 5.5 Field Guide, due very shortly, will give you a more detailed dive into the major changes.

How to Help

Do you speak a language other than English? Help us translate WordPress into more than 100 languages! This release also marks the hard string freeze point of the 5.5 release schedule.

If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. We’d love to hear from you! If you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, file one on WordPress Trac, where you can also find a list of known bugs.

Industry Experts and Pro Bloggers Come Together to Inspire, Teach, and Help You (and Your Site) Succeed

Posted by download in Software on 28-07-2020

At the Official Growth Summit, the two-day virtual conference running twice from August 11-13, you’ll have access to about 50 speakers and presenters across 90+ breakout sessions and keynote conversations. The varied lineup will appeal to new and established bloggers; professionals in tech, media, and marketing; and anyone ready to build or expand their presence on the web.

Event highlights include a talk from Smitten Kitchen creator and cookbook author Deb Perelman; panels with Newspack founder Kinsey Wilson on the state of independent and local journalism amid a struggling media landscape and in the age of COVID-19; and sessions with founders and representatives from companies and organizations like Xbox, Google, Sandwich, African Queer Youth Initiative, Out in Tech, Looka, and more.

Wondering what to expect? Here are 10 entrepreneurs, founders, bloggers, and developers scheduled to speak at the summit.

Jason Snell

Jason is the founder and editor-in-chief of Six Colors, a site that covers Apple, technology, and the intersection of tech and culture. Previously, as the lead editor for Macworld, he covered every major Apple product release for more than a decade.

In a breakout session on content and community with web designer and A List Apart founder Jeffrey Zeldman, they’ll share blogging and podcasting tips, advice on growing your audience, and making money with paywalls, stores, advertising, and more. “Membership programs can build loyalty and provide the most enthusiastic portions of your audience with more of what they love,” says Jason. “I switched to WordPress in order to build a richer — and more marketable — membership program, and the results have been excellent.”

Tina Wells

“The 4Ps of marketing — product, place, promotion, and price — have changed dramatically,” says Tina Wells, the founder of Elevation Tribe, a community and lifestyle publication focused on helping women of color launch, grow, and lead their businesses. In her breakout session, Tina will talk about creating a marketing plan for beginners and small businesses. “We’ll go back to basics and discover how we can make the right changes to help your business not only survive, but thrive.”

A business strategist and passionate entrepreneur, Tina believes in the power of an effective online presence. “Your website is your first storefront, and it tells the story of your brand,” she says, noting that a strong visual identity and fresh design are critical. You can see both in action at Elevation Tribe and on Tina’s website.

Kristin Smith

“My authenticity is what allows me to share my brand with others. Being yourself — and transparent — is what people see and keeps them coming back. There’s only one of you, and that alone is enough,” says Kristin Smith, food blogger at Krisp X Kristin and podcast co-host of At the Bar.

In Kristin’s breakout session, you’ll find out how she turned her passion for cooking into a popular blog and podcast. She’ll share what she’s learned, giving you a set of actionable steps to inspire you to overcome your fears and get started on your website.

“Sometimes in the beginning it’s hard to see a finish line. But, keep your head down and keep working. Throw yourself into it, network with other likeminded people, and continue to learn,” says Kristin. “It all will pay off in the end.”

Paul Bakaus

“The web used to be the best platform for content creation, distribution, and consumption,” says Paul Bakaus, a senior staff development advocate at Google. “But today the walled garden — closed social apps and platforms — are drinking our milkshake. I say it’s time we stop letting them! We need to, as a community, work on making the web more visual, frictionless, and bite-sized. Web Stories are our approach to help with that, and we can’t wait for you to join us.”

In his breakout session, Telling Web Stories with WordPress, Paul will introduce you to Web Stories — a mobile-first tool that allows storytellers to create visual narratives with engaging animations and tappable interactions — and show how you can use them on your website with the Web Stories for WordPress plugin.

Anton Diaz

“We want to contribute to an awesome post-COVID-19 world,” says Anton Diaz, traveler, founder, and creator of Our Awesome Planet. “We’re helping food businesses to connect with foodies and travel destinations to engage with travelers.”

In his breakout session, Anton will share the principles that have guided his food and travel blog for 15 years. “There are core beliefs that have helped Our Awesome Planet stand out,” says Paul. “We make sure that all the food and travel experiences we feature are based on first-hand experience, grounded on our original vision: documenting the food and travel adventures of our family as our four sons — Aidan, Joshua, Raphael, and Yugi — have grown.”

Deb Perelman

Deb Perelman, the longtime food blogger at Smitten Kitchen, is a community favorite. What started as a food blog and side project in her tiny New York City kitchen has grown into one of the most popular food blogs on the internet, as well as a series of best-selling cookbooks.

“I just really, really enjoy blogging,” Deb said in an interview with several years ago. “I love having a place where I can share what I’m working on in an immediate way and have a conversation with people who are equally excited about it, and who encourage me to try more stuff that scares me in the kitchen.” At the conference, Deb will share her story and the journey of Smitten Kitchen, from start to present.

Kim Newton

Kim Newton, a global marketing executive with over 20 years of experience working with corporations and brands, is the creator of The Intentional Pause, a project that empowers women to follow their dreams using the power of pause. “I give every woman permission — yes permission — to just stop and think,” she writes on her website. “I want to help women to embrace pausing as a powerful way forward, with intention, to achieve their dreams.”

Kim has had many successes in consumer marketing, corporate strategy, and business development, and will share her insights on marketing and PR at the summit.

Chris Coyier

Chris Coyier, the co-founder of CodePen, is a front-end developer and designer. He’s also the creator of CSS-Tricks, a resource that’s all about building websites, mostly from a front-end perspective, and was built on WordPress since day one. “I’m a solo developer for the most part on CSS-Tricks. Just me over here. I don’t have the budget for a fancy development team. But I still want to feel powerful and productive. That’s one of the things that WordPress has given to me. I feel like I can build just about anything on WordPress, and do it in a way that doesn’t feel like a mountain of technical debt that I would struggle to maintain.”

In his breakout session — Putting WordPress to Work — Chris will take us behind the scenes at CSS-Tricks, sharing “just how powerful WordPress can be as a platform to run a publishing business on.”

Amy Chan

For Amy Chan, blogging provided the path to a publishing career. Amy is the founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, the world’s first breakup bootcamp, and the author of Breakup Bootcamp: The Science of Rewiring Your Heart. “Heartbreak is something that affects everyone, so people were able to connect quickly with the company’s offering,” says Amy.

In Amy’s breakout session — How I Accidentally Became a Thought Leader By Blogging — she shares her own story, and how you can transform your side gig into something bigger. To start, Amy says to just do it: “Stop hiding. Stop waiting. Stop perfecting. Perfection is procrastination in disguise,” she says. “Start the blog, launch the event, put your creation out in the world. Whatever it is, just get in a mindset of taking action. Create as a way of being. Launch it now and develop it later.”

Danica Kombol

Danica Kombol founded Everywhere Agency to help brands tell better stories through social media and influencer marketing. As CEO, she leads a team that works with brands to launch content-driven campaigns and to create meaningful conversations with followers in powerful, measurable ways.

Danica also launched Everywhere Society, a network of about 5,000 established influencers and bloggers, which powers the agency’s influencer campaigns and brand ambassadorships. Her session will cover blogging for purpose and profit.

Browse the agenda for all sessions, demos, and talks. Buy your ticket now for early bird pricing of $79, which expires after July 31!